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Viñeta May/2007: Will be shown in MITH/ELO Symposium 2007: The Future of Electronic Literature, May 2-3, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.
Bullet Nov/2006: The 3rd ONLINE Congress of the Observatory for the Cybersociety will have an interest group devoted to digital narrative. The call for papers has been released. The information specific to the interest group is at http://www.cibersociedad.net/congres2006/gts/gt.php?llengua=es&id=104. The OCS is based in Barcelona, Spain.
Bullet Sep/2006: Shown in the Literatures: from Text to Hypertext - International Seminar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
Bullet Aug/2006: Shown in the The Bridges Conference: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science, The London Knowledge Lab, University of London, UK.
Bullet Jan/2006: Shown in the National Meeting of the AMS (American Mathematical Society), San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Bullet Apr/2005: Shown in Disjunctions 2005: Theory Reloaded, University of California, Riverside's Twelfth Annual Humanities Conference, California, USA.
Bullet Nov/2004: Shown in the 2nd CyberSociety ONLINE Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Bullet Oct/2004: Shown in the II International Festival of Electronic Trends (II Muestra Internacional de Corrientes Electrónicas), Bogotá, Colombia.
Bullet Apr/2004: Shown in &NOW, a festival to celebrate writing as a contemporary art form. University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.
Bullet Dec/2/2003: The first version of Literatronic is deployed after two years of development.
Bullet Sep/2002: An article was publised in the 1st CyberSociety ONLINE Conference with the concept of Literatronic. Barcelona, Spain.
Bullet Dec/1996: Grant COLCULTURA-SECAB 014/1996 from the Ministry of Culture of Colombia (COLCULTURA). The project "El Primer Vuelo de los Hermanos Wright" aimed to "create a novel that reconfigures itself for every reader". This is the earliest reference to adaptive literary hypertext in this project. The challenge proved to be beyond the state of the art at the moment. The final product was a traditional literary hypertext.


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